FAQs and Essential Information

Frequently asked questions

Help Centre

Have you heard? We've got a Help Centre where we've answered all of your burning questions in one handy place. Check it out below!

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Help Centre

Our most popular FAQs

How do I add extras or make changes to my booking?

Soon you'll be able to do this via 'My Bookings', but for now please tap or click on the Live Chat icon in the bottom right of this page and one of our team will be happy to help you.

I have a question about my payment schedule

In the future, within 'My Bookings' you'll be able to see your full payment schedule, pay off instalments, and make requests to change payment dates.

For now, however, simply send us a message via Live Chat (link in the bottom right corner of this page) and we'll be happy to help.

I need Disability Support or Special Assistance

We're happy to help to ensure your holiday goes smoothly and you receive all of the assistance that you require. Simpy tap or click on the Live Chat icon (bottom right hand corner of this page) and someone from the team will help you out.

I'm in resort and I need assistance

We're here to help you whenever things go a bit wrong. Check out your booking paperwork for the in-resort contact number to ring, and someone will do all they can to help you out.